For Scalp Psoriasis

posted in: M-Folia, Psoriasis, Scalp Psoriasis | 7

M-Folia Cream for Psoriasis, Eczema & related skin conditions

For Scalp Psoriasis

Psoriasis on the scalp is for many of us a partciularly distressing aspect of this disease.  It's less easy to cover up than on other parts of the body.  It can affect the way our hair looks and scalp flakes can show up on our clothes.

In addition to the excellent m-folia scalp oil, you may be interested to know we found m-folia cream also works particularly well.  It's a less oily alternative to the scalp oil and particularly suitable for an overnight "soak" of the scalp.

You will probably still want to put an old teeshirt or similar over your pillowcase to avoid any mess but it is hardly greasy at all.  When you wash it out, the results are lovely - your hair and scalp feel softer and more relaxed and your hair shines.

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