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Mahonia Aquifolium – also known as Oregon Grape Root or Berberis Aquifolium
Mahonia Aquifolium- also known as Oregon Grape Root or Berberis Aquifolium Botanical Names are Berberis aquifolium and Mahonia aquifolium Its properties are antiproliferative, antimicrobic, antimutagenic and antioxidant The berries are edible and are... READ MORE
Skin Irritation and Laundry
For many of sufferers of skin disorders, laundry detergents and fabric softeners can be huge irritants. They can cause flareups or further irritate already sore or inflamed skin. The effects of these products... READ MORE
Psoriasis – differences between men and women
A recent Swedish study of 5,438 patients with moderate to severe psoriasis found that "women had statistically READ MORE
Psoriasis on the Feet and Toenails
For psoriasis on the feet and toenails we recommend M-Folia Herbal Extract and regularly soaking your feet with READ MORE
Coronavirus and Our Updated Packing Procedures
Covid-19 - Our updated procedures for packing your orders. Given the current infection uncertainties, we would like to reassure all our lovely customers that we have adopted stringent measures to safeguard you from... READ MORE
Free M-Folia Tablets!
* This offer ran from 27 Jan to 27 March 2018. It isn't currently available but we will do an offer on another product soon. If you have any suggestions, do drop us... READ MORE
M-Folia Lotion
M-folia Body Lotion is healing, soothing, light and non-greasy. Perfect for this time of year. Use it on literally any part of the body. READ MORE
For Scalp Psoriasis
Psoriasis on the scalp is for many of us a partciularly distressing aspect of this disease. It can affect the way our hair looks READ MORE